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Showing posts from October, 2019

First Big Plans After the 1/6/20

Two weeks after I retire Jan and I will be heading to Hawaii. We are going with our good friends Kent and Leslie. This should be a good way to start this adventure. Jan and I spent this weekend planning which Luau to attend. We chose this one. Today we called the hotel and reserved "premier seating". We are going to see the whole thing, from  King Kamehameha  arriving in an outrigger canoe  to unearthing the Kalua pig.  The whole event last several hours with dinner and the shows.  Earlier that day I'm hoping to visit one of the beaches near the hotel that the Laua will be held at. This one looks like fun.  Hāpuna Beach State Park  .

Calling The Florida Retirement Office

Today is the day I have on my calendar to call the Florida Retirement Office and give them the date of my retirement. January 6th 2020. Now it is more official. After calling  I immediately received an email confirming my call. (I'm set up to receive all correspondence via email rather than by USPS). I'm hoping that I remember my log in for the site. I'm sure that there is a way to retrieve lost passwords. the woman I talked to was very nice and efficient, it took all of about 5 minutes to go through all the information I needed and to get the ball in motion for my next adventure.

86 Days

In 86 days I will be embarking on a new, exciting and terrifying stage of my life. Retirement. For over 37 years I have worked full time. Getting up early and working late. During this time I also went to school, got married, and with my wife raised two great kids. In 86 days that all changes. I keep trying to see what is next and I'm not sure. But I'm decided that one thing I can do is to keep a record of what I do here. Maybe this will become my new "job". But for now I'll go on a bike ride, you may be reading a lot about that.