How I look in the RapidArc machine. I'm two weeks into my nine week treatment for prostate cancer. So far it has not been too bad. The process leading up to my treatment was worse than the actual treatment. The biopsy and having gold markers placed in my prostate were invasive to say the least. I guess if I am ever abducted by space aliens I can tell them "been there done that"! Even though the actual treatment only takes about 4 minuets. If everything goes smoothly I am in and out of the office in about 10 minutes. The preparation for the treatment takes quite a bit of time. I start the evening before with stopping drinking anything at about 7:30 PM. The next morning I get up early, for retirement, at about 6:00 AM to start my morning routine. I start that early because I need to have all liquids I drink to clear my system by 9:00 AM when I start my bladder filling. I started this adventure drinking the requested 32 oz. of water in 15 minuets. Try it, it is difficult. ...