With a year of Covid under our belts I've been thinking about what will define this era. I think it will be the masks we are wearing. These are a visual representation if the many things we are all going through. I know that there are other things that could define this time; washing hands, social distancing, unemployment, fear and anger. but these are all things that can be connected with other times or events. Masks are focused on this time only. Masks are either a symbol of caring for others or submission to an authoritative government. Masks played a part in the downfall of some political aspirations while boosting others. I have noticed masks being discarded most places I go nowadays. I got to thinking that a year ago seeing a mask was a rare event. Now most people I see out are wearing masks and they are loosing then everywhere. I have started photographing masks as I find them. The more I look the more I find. By the end of this I may have quite a collection of ...