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Showing posts from February, 2021

The Spider

Now that I am retired I have time to notice the small things. One thing I have noticed lately is a small Spineybacked Orbweaver spider . I have been watching it weave its web for about two months now.  It is really quite interesting how it remakes it's web over night. In the morning is when its web looks its best. By the afternoon it looks quite tattered. This morning it looked like she had completely redone her web because all of the attachments to the wall and plants had been moved slightly and I was able to get behind the web to take this picture and catch the sun through the web.  I'm not sure how long the spider will stay here but I'll keep watching.

Trip Way South to the Everglades

  The first week of February Jan and I took a trip down to Everglades. Other than driving through the Everglades on Alligator Alley Jan an I have never visited the Everglades.  For this trip we rented a class "B"rv. We had been wanting to try one and this fit the bill.  This one is made by Winnebago. It is like driving a really big van. Inside there is room for two to sleep, shower and cook dinner. On top are several solar panels that keep the batteries charged. I was also surprised to find the mileage acceptable, 16 to 17 MPG.  We camped at the Everglades Flamingo which is the southernmost tip of the Florida peninsula. This is semi-primitive camping, no hot water in the showers. But other than that is is a very nice campground. the sites are very large and spread out. We never felt that the other camper were too close. At night the lighting at the campground is very subdued and we could see lots of stars. The first full day in the Everglades we had planned a boat t...