May 11
A little more that 2 months in quarantine. The days are starting to run together and I only really know what day it is because my pill minder has the days of the week on it. That is unnerving. Right now the days are plan breakfast and drink some coffee, watch the news and read the paper. Then I make a choice putter around the house or go for a bike ride. I ride a little over 10 miles each day.
In the past 2 months most of my rides take me out onto the Courtney Campbell causeway. During that time the beach has been closed. It was interesting to see the changes on the beach with no one going out there.
May 23
Still in quarantine doing the same thing over and over. My pill box still helps me remember what day it is.
Today I did a little yard work and then sat down to watch some cooking shows. So far I have traveled from Greece to Italy and now I'm on the border of Mexico and USA. I'm thinking a trip there when this is all over would be great. The food in the little, off the beaten path restaurants look amazing. Maybe a little spicy for some tastes but I'll give it a try.
I'm still riding my bike getting ready for September and the Great Cycle Challenge. This is a fund raiser to help cure children's cancer. This is the 5th year I have participated in this cause.
So fat this month I have ridden over 220 miles and raised over $500, (Thanks Palmer Ann, Matthew, Bill and Melisa, and Bill and Kathy) The official ride this year is in September, delayed from June because, you guessed it Coivid 19.
I did spend some time last week thinning out the bamboo palm in my "back yard" That thing grows like a weed. I'm cutting the palms down that are shorter than 12 or so feet and leaving the taller ones. Like I said it grows fast and I already see small palms already sprouting up. They will be 5 feet tall in a few months i'm sure.
Jan had a birthday on the 16th and I got her a vertical herb garden. During our time of isolation she has expressed a desire to grow herbs so I got her this for her birthday. She is very excited to be a farm girl. We have 5 different herbs growing from seeds plus some peppers seeds my sister Rebekah sent me. I think we need a covering over the planter so when it rains it doesn't fill with water.
One of the things Jan and I have been doing is playing trivia games on Zoom with friends and family. It is fum but a lot of work for one person the week before creating the questions and answers to present online. I did the game for Jan's birthday and surprised her with her brothers and sisters joining in on the game to her delight. I even had a trivia section titled "It's Jan's Birthday, Lets Talk About Her!" She was very surprised and we had a lot of fum and even learned a few things.
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