For the past week or so Jan and I have been visiting her dad and sister in Evansville In. Or as Art calls it Heavinsville. We came up originally to help Mary with her house. She is painting and carpeting several rooms. Because of Covid Jan's dad Art has moved from his apartment into Mary's house. We came down to help Art while he stayed with us at a hotel and the house got recarpeted. Well that all went sideways first day at the hotel. Art who is 96 started feeling poorly and eventually it was decided to call an ambulance to transport him to the emergency room for, as my daughter calls it a little heart tune-up. It was quite an adventure having a firetruck and ambulance arrive at our hotel and all crowd into our room. At the hospital because of Covid only one other person was allowed in and it was decided that Jan would stay and I would head back to Mary's house. Now a funny story of events before the ambulance arrived. I had gone to take a rest in our hotel room whil...