In 2015 I started riding for the Great Cycle Challenge to raise money to help fight childhood cancer. I had begun riding my bike for my own health after my heart surgery in December of 2013. I was riding about 40 miles a week when I heard about the Challenge so I'd give it a try. It was a simple thing, think how far you will ride in a month and ask people to sponsor your ride. The first year I raised $250 the next year I rode it was a little less and then even less the third year.
But I wasn't really trying. I was just posting a few blurbs on Facebook and hoping for the best. So the forth year I decided to try and raise enough that they would send me a shirt. So I sent our a few emails and called people directly. That worked and I made the $500 that was required for the shirt and a little more.
In 2020 I really upped my game and raised over $1500 that year. Okay maybe I used the fact that I had been treated for prostate cancer to tug on peoples heart strings and open their wallets. But I started this because I was riding to help with a personal health problem so no reason not to use another to help the kids. (You can read more about that here)Now I was hooked on raising big money for the cause. So in 2021 I sent out both emails and postcards with a picture of me on a bike. That brought the total up to over $1600 for the ride. And I got my sister Palmer Ann to ride in the Great Cycle Challenge too. She did great for her first year and brought in for the kids an amazing $1002.52.
So after last year's challenge I decided that I could not only fund raise but also recruit other riders. My sister-in-law Patty Whitehouse and brother-in-law Tom Tarvin are riding this years challenge in addition to my sister Palmer Ann.
Update:Vincent Stippler has decided to ride this year and joined our team. Welcome Vince!
We have formed a team called "Riding Is Bliss" and together as a team we are trying to raise $5000. and ride a combined 500 miles in the month of September.
This is the team this year and next year you too could be on it!
If you still want to donate to my ride here is the link
GCC Team “Riding Is Bliss”
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