Update on Day 1 , Jacksonville I'm pleased to announce that on October 28th Elizabeth and Cody Sims had a 5lb 2oz baby girl. They are all healthy and happy. I look forward to meeting my new grand niece. Day 4 , Memphis, TN. Today we traveled from Huntsville to Memphis, home of Elvis. We checked into our lovely AirBnB on Adams street within blocks of Beale Street "Home of the Blues" That evening we drove over to Beale Street to have dinner, explore and go on a Ghost tour . After dropping my charges off at the Blues City Cafe I found parking in a nearby parking garage. While in the garage I took a picture of where I left the car so I could find it later. I texted this picture to my son Austin, who visited Memphis during a college bowl game, and commented on the aroma and patina of the parking garage. Austin responded "That's how Beale street does!" After taking a look at Beale Street I found my group already seated at the Blues City Cafe. The cafe was bus...