The weather was a little nicer today. Mid 80s and for Florida low humidity, about 75%. I rode almost 12 miles today. The Great Cycle Challenge app is still not recording my rides correctly and giving me many extra miles. Technology, Sigh! Below is my actual route and distance.
In the picture I posted today shows how far the bay came up during Hurricane Idalia. That high water mark I can see all during my ride. Here the shore rises up to the road so the water did not come up as far. Other places I could see the high water mark on the other side of the street. Along the Causeway the water came up over the trail in many places but as far as I ride I did not see any places it went over the highway.
One of the interesting things I found in all this detritus washed up by the storm was thousands of red mangrove seeds. you can see them in the picture above, they are the long green and brown sticks. I noticed that many of them had already begun to sprout leaves and roots. I guess this is a survival strategy for the plant. I took several home and will try and grow them.
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