I went in today because working one day in a month gives me the benefit of keeping my health insurance till the end of the month. I also wanted to help the art teacher that is taking my position at Mary E. Bryant to start and answer any question she had. And tell a my coworker good by one last time.
But in the end I realize that teaching at Bryant will continue and the buses will arrive tomorrow morning at 7:10 just like they have every morning. I'm not sure if I will be up by then.
Tomorrow I start on a new part of my life. In some ways I'm more prepared for this change in my life and in other ways less. Financially I'm in pretty good shape. Not wealthy but comfortable.
What I'm not prepared for is the time and what to do with if. Jan wants me to take a year to develop a plan for what I'm going to do.
So today I walked out of my room for the last time as an art teacher. Leaving the new teacher there to rearrange the room to make it her own and get ready for kids to show up tomorrow and 8:50 ready to create art. I wonder what they will do?
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