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Joy 04/25, 26, 27, 28/22

 Okay I missed a few days but still found joy in those days. 

On Monday we were still in Tallahassee keeping an eye on Noah while his parents had some time together. I made Noah oatmeal for breakfast and must have done a good job cause yesterday I got a text from Jessica saying that Noah wanted oatmeal like Papa made. That made me smile. On monday after school I took Noah to swim practice. He loves swimming and is good at it. He swam hard for an hour and a half. I would be done for after half that time. 

Tuesday we headed back to Safety Harbor. Jan and I have started getting audiobooks from the library to listen to on these trips. It always amazes me how well Jan can listen with her eyes closed. This trip we listened to a book by Tony Hillerman called the Shape Shifter

On Wednesday I found this chandelier while taking Jan for a procedure on her hand. It was quite impressive for a waiting room. The light fixture was about 6 feet tall. I thought it was a little much for an outpatient surgery center.  I guess someone wanted to make a statement. 

Just before we began our journey home I found that our credit cards were locked and when I called the bank I was told that someone had tried to access our account and we would have to come by in person to the bank to meet with a representative. 
Now I know you are thinking "What joy can come from this" but bear with me. 
So checking the map the closest Suncoast Credit Union to Tallahassee was in Chiefland. It closed at 5 and I figured we would make it a little after 4. 
We got there in time and started the process of closing ALL our accounts and opening new ones. An hour and a half later we left with brand new cards and bank accounts. We tried the cards a little later at dinner in Crystal River at Cracker's Bar & Grill. WooHoo they worked and we didn't have to wash dishes.
Now for the joy that came from this adventure. Many of you may pay your bills online. You know auto-pay through your bank account. It makes life easier till it doesn't. All the way home I was thinking about how to get the auto-pay set back up. 
When I got home I realised that Jan had the answer. She is very good at saving and filing records. I suspect my record keeping would be a pile of papers on a table or stuffed in a drawer. Jan has all the paper records we have in labed file folders alphabetically in a box under our bed. Most everything I needed to recreate our bill paying was there. I had to smile at how easy it made what I was so worried about doing.
The plastic box is so we can pack it up if we have to leave because of a hurricane.


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