Started the day off a little differently. I rode through Phillipe Park to start my ride. This adds about 2 miles if I ride to my normal turn-around point on the Courtney Campbell Causeway trail.
While I rode out on the Causeway I came across the remains of an auto accident. The Causeway isn't that difficult to drive on. Where I ride is two lanes and straight with only two intersections with traffic lights. That section is about 8 miles. I am amazed at how many accidents happen in this very easy to drive road.
Fortunately most of where I ride is trails or sidewalks, I ride in the street with cars very little of the way.
But here on the causeway I found where an accident happened that would have affected riders and walkers on the trail. The car did not break through the guardrails but a whole bunch of debris from the car was scattered past the guardrail, I found one fairly large piece of plastic about 200 yards from the accident spot. So the cars must have been going very fast. There are chunks of car parts on both sides of the trail and I'm standing where most of the scraps end and my bike is back where the accident happened.
So when you are out driving. Pay attention, put down your phone and look out for bicyclist like me.
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